So, I went away from this blog for awhile. I'm back now. I'm still reviewing and podcasting movies and books over at with my friends and contributors John Dwyer and Charlie Truong, so please check that out. You can also follows @theweeklytake on Twitter.
Okay, onto other news:
1) My review of Briarpatch by Tim Pratt is out in issue #7 of Bull Spec.
2) Shimmer will soon be publishing my story, "What Fireworks." More details when the issue becomes available (which should be very, very soon!) But in the meantime, Issue 14 has one of my favorite writers and friends and Clarion classmates - Karin Tidbeck - so I highly recommend you grab a copy of that toute suite!
3) And speaking of Ms. Tidbeck - I have an interview with her coming in late May at Strange Horizons. We talk about sunlight hours in Sweden, LARPing, and gnomes. I'll be sure to remind you when this is available as well.
In June, I'm heading to Minnesota for a week to finish this little novel I've been working on, and to swim in my friend's pool and drink his whiskey. Before I get there though I'd like to get drafts finished on two novellas, a short story, and a novelette. It seems possible, right? Right. So enough blogging then, back to story writing.
But fear not. I have returned.
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